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USD 392.34
EUR 427.93
RUB 4.68

Wordpress Developer

  • Արաբկիր
  • 28/01/2021 18:57


[email protected]

  • Ընկերության անվանումը

    My Broker Search

  • Աշխատանքային ոլորտ

    Տեղեկատվական Տեխնոլոգիա

  • Գրաֆիկ

    Լրիվ աշխատանքային օր

  • Կրթություն


  • Փորձ

    - 1+ years of experience at least

  • Նախընտրելի սեռ

  • Նախընտրելի տարիք

  • Նկարագիր

  • My Broker Search is hiring a motivated WordPress developer to create attractive and user-friendly websites according to client specifications.
    You will be responsible for creating WordPress themes and plugins.

    Job Responsibilities
    - Designing and building the website front-end
    - Managing the website back-end including database and server integration
    - Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture
    - Troubleshooting content issues
    - Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS
    - Generating Plug-Ins and Themes is a plus
    - Communicate with the project managers
    - 1+ years of experience at least

    If you're interested in the current position, send your CV to [email protected]
